It is true that nothing makes me smile like fresh flowers.
On the other hand, most floral prints make my stomach turn. Luckily, with guidance from my amazing planner/decorator/wonderwoman we were able to keep it from looking like a country rose garden or some other idea that would make me nauseous.
My black thumb and I are still learning the names of flowers, but we've got some combination of the ones below. Somehow, I feel like each one represents part of my personality.
peonies - the showy flower, because I've been know to be "extra" at times

hydrangea - the all-over-the-place flower, because well, sometimes I am all over the place
and ranunculus - the orderly lady-like flower, because someday when I grow up I'll be organized and lady-like.

And this just made me smile.

My only fear is that in my new-found floral enthusiasm, I've included too many flowers. What do you think?
Thanks for stopping to smell the umm...peonies?
photos from,,, and