It's spring break! Whoop-whoop! Despite the fact that some studying must be done (ugh. medical school.), I plan to tackle a lot of wedding things this week. Wish me luck!
While I'm re-writing the "future accomplishments" list(again), check this out...
At you can rent jewelry for the day. Now, I'm not normally into
bling, but I would love to don
this gorgeousness on the big day.

Too bad it rents for 2,200 dollars.
Hey, if you're big balling, check it out today; they are offering 15% off - a whopping $270!!!
Oh yeah, and if you happen to have $32,900 sitting around (after you've given a considerable amount to God and the charity of your choice, of course) you can pick this little baby up - a paisley diamond cuff bracelet by Chad Allison.